


Are you a registered nurse considering pursuing a 护理学理学士? 你是否有ADN/ASN或文凭,re are many advant年龄s to earning your bachelor’s degree in nursing.

Here are eight key benefits to consider as you determine the next step of your nursing career:


1. 为bsn做好准备的护士与更好的患者预后有关

RNs who have completed a Bachelor of Science in 护理 degree have been linked to better patient care 和 overall outcomes, in part because they have more extensive training 和 additional knowledge to draw upon.

根据引用的几项研究 美国护理学院协会(AACN), baccalaureate-prepared RNs are reported as “significantly” better prepared in 12 of 16 areas related to qualify 和 安全, 和 an increase in proportion of BSN-prepared nurses in hospital units lowers the odds of patient mortality. Hospitals with a higher percent年龄 of RNs with 一个BSN had lower mortality in serious health conditions such as congestive heart failure, 褥疮性溃疡, 肺栓塞和深静脉血栓.

2. BSN护士更好地胜任更多类型的工作

有BSN, you may become more qualified to find work in your preferred healthcare setting, 包括医院, 诊所, 养老院, 辅助生活设施, or even educational settings such as teaching hospitals or school districts. 在医院环境中, 你可以在各种不同的专业部门工作, 包括内科/外科, 急救护理, 麻醉后护理单位(PACU)等.

While roles 和 responsibilities can be similar regardless of the degree you’ve earned,re are certain RN jobs—with higher pay scales—for which employers can require 一个BSN. 这可能包括单位或部门协调员角色, 护士教育角色, 和 man年龄ment positions that require the additional knowledge 和 skills that are learned in 一个BSN program.

3. BSN护士最适合职业发展

在你获得一些护理经验之后, you may decide you are ready for a more challenging position or greater responsibilities. 有BSN, you likely have a variety of opportunities for advancement. These roles may allow you to share your nursing knowledge with others, 拓展自己的知识面, 提高你的领导能力. 拥有BSN后可能获得的职位包括:

  • 护士经理
  • 健康教育家
  • 案例管理器
  • 质量协调员
  • 导演
  • 医疗卫生服务经理

4. 你可以通过BSN赚到更多的钱

获得BSN可以增加你的收入潜力, 这样你就有机会竞争更高收入的工作. 根据 劳工统计局, 注册护士的平均年薪 is $94,480 每年($45.42 每小时). 这个数量可能会根据你在哪个州练习而增加, 你所拥有的经验, 如果你专攻某一护理领域.*

类开始 1月6日


5. 有更多的机会专攻BSN

最大的一个 ADN或ASN与. 一个BSN is the ability to specialize 和 focus on a particular area of nursing. 有BSN, you can specialize in a specific area or interest, such as:

  • 儿科护理学
  • 公共卫生护理
  • 心脏护理
  • 重症护理
  • 急诊室护理
  • 老年护理
  • ……以及更多

6. MSN幸运28计划资格

如果你想拓展你的技能, take on a leadership role 和 increase your 收入潜力 even more, an MSN 是一个很好的选择. Herzing大学 offers a variety of MSN specializations, including:

  • 成人老年学执业护士(AGNP). 专业 in the adult population; you can choose 急症护理 or 初级护理 浓度.
  • 家庭护士:在这个角色中, 你将为所有年龄段的病人提供初级和专科护理, 从儿童到成人.
  • 护理教育(护士教育)作为一名护士教育工作者, you will help guide the next generation of nurses 和 play a key role as a mentor, 老师, 也是护理专业学生的榜样.
  • 护理的领导 & 政府: This degree can help prepare you for leadership positions quality, 安全, 医疗保健系统内的提供者实践管理等.
  • 儿科执业护士. Become a 初级护理 nurse practitioner specializing in treatment of infants, 蹒跚学步的, 青少年, 还有年轻人.
  • 精神科精神健康执业护士:在这个角色中, you can help patients man年龄 mental disorders 和 promote mental health awareness 和 education.
  • 公共卫生. 作为人口健康的积极倡导者发挥作用, 健康促进, 以及社区卫生服务.
  • 妇女保健执业护士. 选择WHNP专业,专注于您的疾病护理, 疾病, 以及女性最常见的整体医疗保健.

However, you might not need 一个BSN to pursue one of these MSN 浓度. If you are interested in one of the MSN specializations listed above you may already be eligible to enroll in our RN转MSN程序 而不需要获得学士学位.

7. 越来越多的医院正在寻找具备bsn技能的护士

根据…进行的一项调查 AACN, 43.2% of hospitals 和 other healthcare settings are requiring new hires to have 一个BSN. 此外,….1% of employers express a strong preference for BSN-program graduates.

这部分是由于 磁铁的地位这是一种组织认可的优秀护理人员的证书. Magnet hospitals are required to have 100% of nurse leaders 和 nurse man年龄rs hold a baccalaureate or graduate degree. Research has linked Magnet hospitals 和 health center with improved clinical outcomes, 提高患者满意度, 护士满意度提高,护士流失率降低.

8. 获得BSN可能没有你想的那么长

Many people ask “How long will it take for me to earn my BSN degree?”

如果你是一名持有有效注册护士执照的护士, you can complete your BSN online in as little as a year in Herzing大学’s 在线RN到BSN程序. In fact, you can continue working as an RN while gaining new skills that you can apply immediately.

Herzing提供灵活, online classes 和 accessible faculty with strong professional credentials to help you prepare for new challenges.



It’s important to know the advant年龄s to becoming 一个BSN-prepared nurse, 获取有关学历要求的信息, 和 underst和 what courses you’ll need to help get your nursing career to the next level.

Earn your BSN through Herzing’s flexible online program 和 unlock your potential for greater knowledge, 收入潜力, 以及就业机会. 你是幸运28计划!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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